Committed to Public Schools, Working Families and Community Service
Our public schools are under attack. Stephanie supports our public schools. She worked as a member of the SBISD Finance Advisory Committee to get more funding for the school district. The legislature failed us. We have to elect a Representative who is going to push for our schools to be funded, who is going to oppose vouchers, and who is going to put our children before politics.
Working Families
Stephanie stands with working families. Stephanie was raised by a teacher who is a proud member of the McAllen AFT, and a store manager. She believes that people should have access to good paying jobs.
Community Service
From a very young age, Stephanie understood the importance of serving her community. As the daughter of a teacher, Stephanie has a passion for helping our youth. As a 10 year volunteer of Rodeo Houston, and a member of the Spring Branch ISD Financial Advisory Committee. She is a member of all SBISD PTAs, a SW Cheer Booster, and helps wherever she is needed. Stephanie has continued serving her community and making it better for our future.